Q:Is there no God?
Sri Sri: Now tell me what is the definition for God. Then I'll tell you if there is God or not, if I can tell you. Is God a person who created the universe and went into hiding because He made lot of mistakes, so that nobody catches Him? Up in the heaven trying to give you one little finger and dangling carrots in front of you or punish you when you do things or get angry at you all the time. Is He a person? What is God? Has anybody seen? Is God a person? Big confusion in the world. GOD (Generator, Operator, Destroyer). If GOD is love and love is all that is, He is everywhere. Lets looks at the qualifications of God, God is omnipresent, every where in every atom. No place where God is not. He is omnipotent, omniscient. Consciousness has this quality. In Upanishads there is a story. A boy asks his father tell me, How is God like, Father tells him, God is like the sky, space, everything exists in space, everything dissolves in space and everything is created in space. But space is dead, GOD is alive. Another example like fish in the water. Where is the life of the fish in the body or in the water? If life is in the body, if you take it out then also there should be life. There is life only as long as there is water in the fish. But where is the life? Like that where are we, we are in the space in the air. Where is the life, in the air. In the same way the space which is the basis of all existence is what God is. So God has no escape. If He is not in one place, He loses his qualification of being a God. God is that energy, that substratum of the universe in which everything is born, exists and dissolves, and that is what we all are. If love is God certainly that is what you are and I'm God. The Sufi saint said 'An al haq'. The Vendantin said 'Aham Brahmasmi'. We are made up of Love, that Divinity. When do we don't realize it, when we are veiled by stress, ignorance, small
mindedness. When the lake is disturbed you can't see the reflection.The disturbance on the lake is the mind.In the Bible also it is
said 'Be still and know I'm God' so being that stillness then you know hat I'm God. So if God is love, I'm definitely love, so are you. Don't
excommunicate from your category. That is what the world does and then starts suffering. A saint in India Kabir said "what a stupid thing man is doing, it's like the musk deer, has musk in itself but searches for it all over the forest. Just bend yourself down, meditate, be still and that is where God is.
Q: How does one explain the role of Divine in evolution of species?
Sri Sri: What do you call Divine? All that is harmonious you call Divine. All that is natural you call Divine. That which is not natural like
stress, tension, negative emotions are not Divine. Isn't that so? Reverence is the nature of evolved consciousness. The more happier you
are, the more reverence you have for everything. More grateful you are more reverence you have to everyone. When you recognize everything is God, the more reverence you have for everything. You know what sacredness does to you? Suppose you consider, that this is just a cake, you just eat it, throw it. But if it is sacred you take it in both hands. 100% attention is there. Your consciousness (sleeping consciousness) is woken up. With sacredness, 100% attention you receive it, your heart is there, mind is there. In India, children are told, mother is Divine, father is Divine. Because child cant see Divine in space. so "Matru Devo Bhava" (mother is all love), 2nd expression of Divinity see father, 3rd is teacher, all that he wants is for you to blossom, be strong and successful and happy in love,
4th place is Guest, Guest is God, Guest comes honor them. And honor everything in the world, honor the trees, honor the river, mountains, animals. A sense of honoring elevates you.When something belongs to someone you treat it with care. When you know
planet belongs to God, you treat it with care. Otherwise we destroy the planet. We exploit the planet. Isn't it. Vanashree, wealth of forest
has to be honored as gift to humanity. We have been asked to take care of it, our world. Our whole life is a wealth. So a sense of honoring is attached so that you feel a sense of responsibility to the society, planet. Hmmm.....
copied from: http://gurujiskripa.blogspot.com/2008/07/amazing-q-as-session-with-guruji.html
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